Autoriteti Kombëtar Kundër Trafikimit Njerëzor (AKTN) is a state organization in Kosovo created with the aim of combating human trafficking. AKTN plays a crucial role in the fight against this serious phenomenon that affects many victims worldwide. AKTN has an organized and prepared structure to protect the rights of human trafficking victims and to prosecute the criminals who commit this heinous act. The organization works in collaboration with local and international authorities to enforce the law and take action to prevent, detect, and punish human traffickers. In addition to the fight against human trafficking, AKTN is dedicated to raising public awareness about this phenomenon and providing support to trafficking victims. The organization offers legal assistance, psychological counseling, and social services to victims, helping them reintegrate into normal life and regain their lost rights. AKTN also develops educational programs in schools and communities to raise awareness about the risks of human trafficking and contribute to its prevention. Furthermore, the organization works with other authorities to develop and implement appropriate policies to combat human trafficking and promote international cooperation in this field. AKTN is an important partner for international organizations fighting human trafficking and is part of a wide network of collaboration at the global level. The organization values cooperation and coordination with other organizations to strengthen the fight against human trafficking and improve the situation of its victims. AKTN expresses its ongoing commitment to stop human trafficking and ensure justice for the victims of this horrendous phenomenon. With dedication and continuous efforts, AKTN is making significant changes in the fight against human trafficking in Albania and contributing to improving the situation at the international level.
The mission of anti-trafficking of humans is to combat and prevent the exploitation, abuse, and trafficking of individuals for various purposes such as forced labor, sexual exploitation, or involuntary servitude. It aims to raise awareness, rescue victims, provide support and rehabilitation services, prosecute offenders, and advocate for policies and laws that protect the rights and dignity of every individual. The ultimate goal is to eliminate human trafficking and ensure the safety, freedom, and well-being of all people.
The vision of anti-trafficking of humans is a world free from human trafficking, where every individual is protected from exploitation and their basic human rights are upheld. It envisions a society where no one is subjected to forced labor, sexual exploitation, or any form of trafficking. The vision includes comprehensive prevention efforts, effective law enforcement, robust victim support and rehabilitation services, and global collaboration to eradicate human trafficking in all its forms. Ultimately, the vision is to create a world where every person can live with dignity, freedom, and equality.
The value of anti-trafficking efforts lies in the protection and preservation of human rights. It aims to combat the exploitation and abuse of individuals who are coerced or deceived into various forms of modern slavery, including forced labor, sexual exploitation, and organ trafficking. By actively opposing human trafficking, societies can safeguard the dignity, freedom, and well-being of vulnerable individuals. Anti-trafficking initiatives also contribute to the promotion of justice, equality, and global humanitarian values, fostering safer communities and a more compassionate world.
The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is the sole owner of the website.
It is managed by Ministry of Internal Affairs.