Events and activities


For a moment it seems as if the world is turning upside down., 28.02.2022

Not every curious question is innocent., 26.02.2022

There is always a hand out there ready to help., 24.02.2022

Human trafficking and modern slavery do not discriminate; they affect men and women of all ages., 22.02.2022


National Authority against trafficking in human beings


National Authority against trafficking in human beings, is composed of authorities set on Article 6 of Law on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting victims of trafficking and other relevant state institutions from different scopes, including representatives of the local governmental and non-governmental service providers.

National Authority shall describe within the National Strategy and Action Plan Against Trafficking in Persons, the Standard Operating Procedures for Victims of Trafficking, Minimum Standards of Care for Victims of Trafficking and all other relevant documents, the duties and responsibilities of each institution for preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and victims’ protection, in order to enable effective and efficient fight against trafficking in human beings and provide assistance and protection of victims of trafficking in Kosovo, as is defined within institution’s legislative mandate.

Representatives of non-governmental organizations and international organizations that have their offices in Kosovo and are involved in activities for combating trafficking in human beings, as well as providing assistance and protection to victims of trafficking, may attend the meetings of the National Authority, in advisory capacity;

Organizational and coordination matters of the National Authority are ensured by the National Strategies Monitoring and Evaluation Secretariat, which operates under Ministry of Internal Affairs.

National Authority shall submit to the Government periodically, but not less than once per year, as well as upon request, a report on its activity. At any given time, central state institutions may request information from the National Authority on the state of observance of legislation on preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protection of victims of trafficking and protection of victims of trafficking, as well as on implementation of the National Strategy and action plan against trafficking in human beings.

The Government shall enact sub-legal act on formal composition, powers, responsibilities and the manner of functioning of the National Authority.

Mëso më shumë




The purpose of this law is to determine the legal provisions through which the competent authorities local authorities are given rights, obligations and responsibilities
