Gashani: “Human trafficking is a serious crime and a serious violation of human rights”

The Ministry of Internal Affairs through a conference has launched the Awareness Campaign Against Human Trafficking, which begins today on the European Union Anti-Trafficking Day.

This conference was attended by representatives of the National Authority Against Trafficking in Human Beings, representatives of the EU in Kosovo, NGOs, as well as local and international partners who support the fight against human trafficking.

At the opening of the conference, the National Coordinator against Trafficking in Human Beings, at the same time the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Blerim Gashani emphasized that human trafficking is a serious crime and a serious violation of human rights, which is carried out with the sole purpose: financial gain from criminal groups.

“These are benefits from human trafficking, child trafficking, trade and abuse; benefits from the sale of people's lives, the sale of children's lives, which lead to destruction of their future, the destruction of our future," emphasized Deputy Minister Gashani.

Deputy Minister Gashani pointed out that the Republic of Kosovo has established the legislative and institutional framework in the field of preventing and fighting human trafficking. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is committed to further aligning its actions with international instruments in anti-trafficking actions.


He emphasized that the phenomenon of street children is the most vulnerable category of the community and their protection is essential, and in particular protection from misuse, including trafficking in all forms of this category. Therefore, we have started work on drafting a national action plan for the identification and treatment of children in street situations, begging children and children who drop out of school. Institutions and officials who are part of the National Authority Against Trafficking in Human Beings, and also our local and international partners, have welcomed this initiative.

“Regarding our positioning in international reports (TIP Report and GRETA Report), most of the recommendations from the GRETA Report and TIP Report of the US Department of State have been reflected as activities in the National Strategy Action Plan and the authorities were committed (and are implementing these activities) to fulfill these recommendations', stated Deputy Minister Gashani, among other things.

In the end, Deputy Minister Gashani emphasized that today, as always, it is important to understand that prevention is not a single, individual effort, the effort of an institution or organization. Therefore, we should work together and encourage cooperation, to create a strong prevention network and a future where no child's dreams are violated or extinguished by such crimes.

While the Acting State Prosecutor, Mr. Besim Kelmendi emphasized that the State Prosecutor's Office is always willing to fight this very dangerous phenomenon. He emphasized that human trafficking is one of the most complex crimes in the Criminal Code, since within the complex structure, if the offenses are seen as separate, a series of criminal offenses have been committed.

"The fight against human trafficking requires that these cases be approached with professionalism and humanity. There is a need for a professional and constructive approach in dealing with cases of human trafficking", emphasized Mr. Kelmendi.

He emphasized as regards the compensation of the victims the State Prosecutor's Office has a very good cooperation with all partners. Kelmendi stated that our country has the best laws on compensating victims and this is why we receive requests from other countries to take us as a model.

The Deputy General Director of the Kosovo Police, Mr. Dejan Jankovic, emphasized that the Kosovo Police is involved in fulfilling the five main pillars of the Strategy against Trafficking in Human Beings.

Jankovic emphasized that the factors that influence the cases of involvement in human trafficking are mainly the economic and social situation, which make these cases much easier and more manipulative, negligence by parents, dropping out of school, etc.

The Deputy Director of the Police emphasized that the efficiency in identifying and prosecuting the perpetrators of these crimes has increased. He emphasized that the Kosovo Police had 42 operational plans and 106 operations, with a focus on identifying children in street situations, controls in premises of the massage businesses and dance clubs in 266 locations.

Representatives of the EU in Kosovo, who are partners of the Government of Kosovo and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, also spoke at this conference as regards this phenomenon.

After the conference, the National Coordinator, Mr. Blerim Gashani, together with the representatives of the Authority, participated in an organization at the "Xhevdet Doda" high school in Prishtina, where together with students, teachers and school management, they opened the campaign and explained in detail the consequences of human trafficking.

This year's campaign is called "Mos hesht (Don't be silent)", and a range of awareness-raising and preventive activities have been carefully and creatively prepared, which will be very dynamic and will be active for one month in a row, but activities will not stop throughout the year.

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